Voter Issues :: Please Share the Below Information


If you or someone you know have been registered for years in a party and you were told you were not registered,  you may be the victim of registration cloning.

If you were told you had to fill out a Provisional Ballot, they need to find out why. They can research it faster if they do not have to do a FOIL request.

If you witnessed irregularities at your ballot location, report it to Citizen’s Audit.

Please report any and all suspect activity to

They have already been inundated and they need We The People to stand up and report!

Please include:

Your full name on your registration
A way for them to reach you

They will then research your registration and if something looks suspicious,  they will reach out to you.


Create your Statement of Testimony

Look at the “how to” on the left. You can find your senator or assemblymember by using the link under the navigation tab “Research tools” on this website.
Click on the red button on the right to get the list of all the Health Committee social media handles.


Click photo above to enlarge.